Thursday 23rd November, 6pm – 9pm (doors open at 5:30pm) @ DLA Piper, Aker Brygge, Oslo

DLA Piper and the BNCC together with The International Churchill Society, Norway Chapter are pleased to invite you to an evening

• “Fireside Chat w/ Emma Soames”, Granddaughter of Sir Winston Churchill and Hans Frode Kielland Rismyhr, Chair of the Int. Churchill Society, Norway chapter,
followed by a panel discussion between distinguished experts on

“The Relevance of Sir Winston Churchill for World Trade Today”
• How relevant are Churchill’s thoughts for 2023 and beyond?
• The importance of readiness in geopolitics.
• How is naval strength keeping world trade free and secure from China and Russia ocean control and what this • entails for western societies?
• Democracies must stand together, but how?

This event has a limited space, so be sure to send in your RSVP using the button below, at your earliest convenience, to secure your place.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Speakers: More speakers to be announced shortly

Emma Soames, Granddaughter of Winston and Clementine Churchill, Emma Soames is a broadcaster and columnist who has been editor of The Literary ReviewTatler, and the Daily Telegraph magazine. She is the second child of Mary and Christopher Soames and is her mother’s Literary Executor. (ex. Mary Churchill’s War)


Hans Frode Kielland Rismyhr, Global Marketing PR Manager, Norway Seafood Council and Chair of The International Churchill Society, Norway




Hugo A.B. Munthe-Kaas, Partner, Head of Compliance, DLA Piper





Geir Hågen Karlsen, Lieutenant Colonel and Director of Strategic Communication – Norwegian Defence University College. Armed Forces leading expert on strategic influence operations, strategic communication, information operations, and psychological operations. Considerable crisis management and media handling experience. Conducts research, teaching, training, and advising the Norwegian military, ministries, government agencies, and NATO. Frequent speaker at national and international fora, and much used source for the media. Senior staff officer at Armed Forces Crisis Staff.

Håkon Borud –  (Moderator) Partner and Sr. Communications Advisor at First House, Chair on the Board at the British-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and former managing news editor of Aftenposten with over 25 years experience as a journalist and editor. Borud is a sought after conference- and debate leader, and often holds lectures in both Norwegian and English